Unit Test

Hertz provides unit testing capabilities for users.

A good project can’t be built without unit tests. To help users build good projects, hertz of course provides unit testing tools.

The principle is similar to that of golang httptest, both of them just execute ServeHTTP without going through the network and return the response after execution.

Create RequestContext

func CreateUtRequestContext(method, url string, body *Body, headers ...Header) *app.RequestContext


Return an app.RequestContext for testing purposes.

Function Signature:

func CreateUtRequestContext(method, url string, body *Body, headers ...Header) *app.RequestContext

Example Code:

import (


func TestCreateUtRequestContext(t *testing.T) {
	body := "1"
	method := "PUT"
	path := "/hey/dy"
	headerKey := "Connection"
	headerValue := "close"
	ctx := ut.CreateUtRequestContext(method, path, &ut.Body{Body: bytes.NewBufferString(body), Len: len(body)},
		ut.Header{Key: headerKey, Value: headerValue})

	assert.DeepEqual(t, method, string(ctx.Method()))
	assert.DeepEqual(t, path, string(ctx.Path()))
	body1, err := ctx.Body()
	assert.DeepEqual(t, nil, err)
	assert.DeepEqual(t, body, string(body1))
	assert.DeepEqual(t, headerValue, string(ctx.GetHeader(headerKey)))

Send Request

func PerformRequest(engine *route.Engine, method, url string, body *Body, headers ...Header) *ResponseRecorder


The PerformRequest function sends a constructed request to the specified engine without network transmission.

The url can be a standard relative path or an absolute path.

If you want to set a streaming request body, you can set engine.streamRequestBody to true through server.WithStreamBody(true) or set the len of the body to -1.

This function returns the ResponseRecorder.

Function Signature:

func PerformRequest(engine *route.Engine, method, url string, body *Body, headers ...Header) *ResponseRecorder

Example Code:

import (


func TestPerformRequest(t *testing.T) {
   router := route.NewEngine(config.NewOptions([]config.Option{}))
   router.GET("/hey/:user", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
      user := c.Param("user")
      assert.DeepEqual(t, "close", c.Request.Header.Get("Connection"))
      c.JSON(201, map[string]string{"hi": user})

   w := ut.PerformRequest(router, "GET", "/hey/hertz", &ut.Body{bytes.NewBufferString("1"), 1},
      ut.Header{"Connection", "close"})
   resp := w.Result()
   assert.DeepEqual(t, 201, resp.StatusCode())
   assert.DeepEqual(t, "{\"hi\":\"hertz\"}", string(resp.Body()))

Receive Response

When executing the PerformRequest function, functions such as NewRecorder, Header, Write, WriteHeader, Flush have already been called internally. The user only needs to call the Result function to obtain the returned protocol.Response object, and then perform unit testing.


Used to record the response information of the handler, as follows:

type ResponseRecorder struct {
	// Code is the HTTP response code set by WriteHeader.
	// Note that if a Handler never calls WriteHeader or Write,
	// this might end up being 0, rather than the implicit
	// http.StatusOK. To get the implicit value, use the Result
	// method.
	Code int

	// header contains the headers explicitly set by the Handler.
	// It is an internal detail.
	header *protocol.ResponseHeader

	// Body is the buffer to which the Handler's Write calls are sent.
	// If nil, the Writes are silently discarded.
	Body *bytes.Buffer

	// Flushed is whether the Handler called Flush.
	Flushed bool

	result      *protocol.Response // cache of Result's return value
	wroteHeader bool

The method provided by this object is as follows:

Function Signature Description
func NewRecorder() *ResponseRecorder Return the initialized ResponseRecorder object
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Header() *protocol.ResponseHeader Return ResponseRecorder.header
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) Write data of type []byte to ResponseRecorder.Body
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) WriteString(str string) (int, error) Write data of type string to ResponseRecorder.Body
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) WriteHeader(code int) Set ResponseRecorder.Code and ResponseRecorder.header.SetStatusCode(code)
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Flush() Implemented http.Flusher, set ResponseRecorder.Flushed to true
func (rw *ResponseRecorder) Result() *protocol.Response Return the response information generated by the handler, including at least StatusCode, Header, Body, and optional Trailer. In the future, it will support returning more response information

Work with biz handler

Assume you have a handler go file and a function called Ping():

package handler

import (


// Ping .
func Ping(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
	c.JSON(200, utils.H{
		"message": "pong",

Now you can do some unit test directly to the Ping() function:

package handler

import (


func TestPerformRequest(t *testing.T) {
	h := server.Default()
	h.GET("/ping", Ping)
	w := ut.PerformRequest(h.Engine, "GET", "/ping", &ut.Body{bytes.NewBufferString("1"), 1},
		ut.Header{"Connection", "close"})
	resp := w.Result()
	assert.DeepEqual(t, 201, resp.StatusCode())
	assert.DeepEqual(t, "{\"message\":\"pong\"}", string(resp.Body()))

Every time you change the Ping() behavior, you don’t need to copy it to test file again and again.

For more examples, refer to the unit test file in pkg/common/ut.

Last modified March 2, 2024 : docs: optimize loadbalance doc (#992) (351ce08)